Coronavirus effects on travel

corona virus effect

Coronavirus (COVID-19) hit the world economy and all social building blocks over the world within less than 3 months of a short period. We didn’t have enough time to ready for the disaster and we are still struggling to get out of the situation. Corona Virus already collapses some businesses, and one of the major is the travel industry. Let’s discuss how will the coronavirus effects travel in the future.

The future will not be the same for anyone, and we should adhere to the new 'normality' until a proper vaccine found by experts. So, are we going to stay at home until that event??? For most of us, hell, no…!!!

People will travel, all the hotels, resorts, motels will fill again, but people will be more careful about their hygiene and safety than ever. For instance, after the 9/11 attack, the entire travel industry has gone loose, but after a few years, people gain confidence and forgot the past to enjoy the day to day moments.

How will be the Travel & Tourism Industry

travel and tourism industry effect of the corona virus
coronavirus effect on the travel industry

One of the major coronavirus effects is that the effect is done to the travel and tourism industry. Since almost all the countries are in the lockdown mood, the entire air travel, hotels, the cruise industry is on hold. because of the current situation, it will take a reasonable amount of time to regain trust among travelers.

For a fact, nearly 850,000 people travel each month from Europe to the U.S., and now you can imagine how many jobs are on the line, it was estimated to 50 million jobs are at dangerous coronavirus effects!! Don't forget the event in the USA tourism industry accounts for 10% of GDP, it is a huge portion!

1. coronavirus effects on Air travel

effects of the corona virus for the aviation industry
coronavirus effects on the aviation industry

Airlines are the most impacted parties from the coronavirus effect, nearly almost all the fights were grounded at the moment. All the airlines are struggling to mitigate their losses. Therefore, it is expected to give more intensives, more discounts, and huge packages to encourage new itineraries among the people.

You might get unbelievable discounts, sudden promotions to business class seats like that. As a government, they will try to loosen their visa policies and attract more tourists to the country with friendly visa policies. you can see more information here

2. coronavirus effects on travel by cruise lines

effects of the corona virus for the cruise industry
coronavirus effects on cruise industry

Another industry that effected by recent events is the cruise industry. In all over the world, coronavirus related cases found in many cruise lines. For example, on MS Zaandam they found coronavirus-related death, on Artaina Cruise ship They found some confirmed cases in Australia, and there were some confirmed cases found on Ruby Princess cruise line and many more.

Due to a large number of people in a limited space on cruise ships spreading viruses like coronavirus will be a major impact on the cruise industry for a long time in the can see more information here.

3. coronavirus effects on Hotel Industry

effects of the corona virus for the Hotel industry
coronavirus effects on the hotel industry

According to worldwide hospitality data reports, Since people stopped traveling, more than 9 million rooms are empty at the moment. The hotel and hospitality business is also in great danger due to coronavirus effects. most of the employees were laid off due to the financial problems and the situation is getting to a worse situation when the lockdown periods getting extended continuously.

But in the near future, we will see huge discounts, promotions, and added value packages to encourage people to go to hotels and stay in relax mode.

All the hotel industry will be more careful about health-related issues in the future and they will adhere to global level rules to increase the prevention from effects like coronavirus effects at any scale. Like the 5S concept in Japan, hotel industries all over the world also will implement strict health guidelines to prevent such situations in the future as well as to increase customer trustworthiness for their business. See for more information here

coronavirus effects job market

effects of the corona virus for the Job market
coronavirus effects on the job market

The job market has been changed completely overnight by the coronavirus. all over the countries, the main focus point is job security. For internet-based companies, essential services based companies like healthcare, supermarket chains will remain as it is, but for the rest of the services will be in great danger. For instance, taxi drivers, construction workers, etc.

This is a kind of positive aspect for most of the tech companies, and some are already increasing their hiring according to Forbes.

In general, job security is very low, but you should learn some new skills in this quarantine period to improve your qualities and employability. here you can find how can you spend your quarantine time wisely to improve your health, mentality, and employability.

New normal will not be same as the old normal for travelers

Normal old days before corona
How beautiful our old normal life

We all love our old normality, we could travel anywhere without thinking of such virus disease, and we were happy at all the time. coronavirus effects on our day to day life will be a huge one. We will think twice before going out of the home.

There will less public events, and also there will be fewer people will participate in both outdoor or indoor functions. The music industry, Cinema industry, Opera will take some time to regain their old glory.

People will look beyond urban jobs, and retain in villages

Farming industry will increase
positive coronavirus effects on the farming industry

In the past, the main problem in villages was that people migrating to the city in order to find better jobs with good pay scales. therefore, some industries, like farming, fishing got less number of trained employees. But this coronavirus effect will change those situations for sure.

People will look for possibilities to improve and sustain inside their villages and industries like farming will grow in a few months. This will be a good tren to build any county to a prosperous and united country

People will adhere to this new normality, some will move to the digital market. People will gain a new set of skills.

In conclusion, since human is a highly socialized creature, all the travelings, the tourism industry will come to normal withing few months, but people will be very careful on their health and new digital nomad society will start to begin.

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